The domestic sector posted a trade deficit of $20.7 billion in the period while the foreign-invested sector enjoyed a trade surplus of $27.1 billion, the General Statistics Office said in a monthly report.
Viet Nam exported some US$49.7 billion worth of commodities in the first
four months of 2015, a year-on-year increase of 6.9 per cent, according
to the General Department of Customs.
Viet Nam''s trade surplus in the first 11 months of 2014 has reached US$2
billion, a $100-million increase over the surplus recorded in the first
ten months of the year.
The country posted a small trade surplus of US$17 million in the first
half of August after reporting a trade deficit the previous month, the
General Department of Customs said.
Viet Nam posted a trade surplus of US$683 million in the first four
months of the year, said Nguyen Tien Vy, head of the Planning
Department, in the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT).
Viet Nam saw a trade surplus of nearly US$1.8 billion from exports to
Japan last year, according to statistics compiled by the General
Department of Customs.